At Leverage, we're not just software developers in search of new markets. We're industry insiders in search of innovative solutions to our industry's most pressing problems.


The industry's 25% productivity gap, identified by McKinsey in 2020 as a colossal opportunity for innovators, is the industry's biggest challenge. To close the gap, projects need to move from concept to completion much faster.


Leverage has found a way to innovate without disrupting industry relationships vital to project success. We've developed the 80/20 solution: bringing custom manufacturing into early design.


This is a major innovation in building delivery that will drive a major recovery of productivity. Front-loading sophisticated off-site options for key building systems will reduce construction cost by 10% and accelerate construction schedules by 15%.


The innovation is all upside. Eliminating waste and reallocating personnel increase sustainability and on-site crew safety. The shorter construction time means our communities experience less disruption.


There's so much to gain by leveraging the right tools.


Visit our Pivot page where founder Doug Bors explores industry challenges and opportunities.



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